Upcoming Project Launch and Strategies

Dec 20, 2024


The Product Development and Marketing Strategy Meeting for the DELIVERY// BONKbot x giga initiative focused on the upcoming product launch and strategies to bolster user acquisition and engagement. Key discussions included the current success of the DCA launch, the challenges posed by mechanism and tactics for users, and the proposal of features to enhance user retention, such as a ‘kick’ feature for inactive users. Marketing strategies centered around creating an effective invite code page, utilizing user-generated content, and designing a minimalistic teaser campaign that highlights the unique features of Bonkbot without disclosing too much. The meeting further delved into Bonkbot's real-time data engine and competitive data infrastructure, stressing the importance of communicating these technical advantages in marketing efforts. Action items were assigned to team members to refine the marketing copy and enhance Bonkbot’s visibility and differentiation in the market.


🚀 Product Launch and Strategy (00:00 - 09:09)

  • DCA is live and going well

  • Discussion about Arisa's absence and her return at 4pm UTC

  • Mechanism and tactics are the biggest blockers

  • Debate on implementing a 'kick' feature for inactive users

  • Suggestion to use a percentage-based or bottom-tier removal system

📊 Marketing and User Acquisition (09:10 - 20:36)

  • Discussion on wireframes for invite code page

  • Debate on the effectiveness of shilling tactics on social media

  • Decision to focus on UGC content creators and evangelism

  • Proposal for minimal, clean creative teaser campaign

  • James emphasizes the importance of showcasing Bonkbot's unique features without revealing too much

💻 Web Terminal and Data Innovation (20:36 - 29:04)

  • Discussion on the core innovation of Bonkbot: real-time data engine

  • Emphasis on data speed and being 'first' rather than just 'fast'

  • Explanation of how standardized data warehouse enables advanced filters and analytics

  • Debate on how to effectively communicate these advantages in marketing

🔍 Data Infrastructure and Competitive Edge (30:44 - 46:29)

  • Detailed explanation of Bonkbot's data infrastructure advantages

  • Discussion on how to communicate technical advantages to users

  • Emphasis on being 'first' in seeing and trading coins

  • Explanation of how data infrastructure enables better filters and wallet tracking

  • Discussion on the potential for future innovations using the data warehouse

🎯 Marketing Strategy and Copy Refinement (46:29 - 51:19)

  • Felipe and James discuss refining the marketing copy

  • Emphasis on accurately representing Bonkbot's capabilities

  • Agreement to focus on data advantages as the primary selling point

  • Discussion on the importance of founder feedback in the creative process

Action items


  • Discuss with Will about showcasing data speed advantages (26:28)

  • Get back to Shadi over the weekend with the nicest elements to show of the terminal (27:04)

  • Provide feedback on the remaining sections of the copy document (48:45)

  • Get Andrew, Nazar, and Sasha to find some PNL cards (49:39)


  • Send the wireframe for the invite code page to design (09:50)

  • Wait for Arisa's feedback on referrals (10:00)


  • Review James' edits and suggestions on the copy document (46:38)

  • Reach out to James for a detailed discussion on Bonkbot's capabilities (46:24)